Wednesday, October 7, 2009

JLo Is Lola

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JLo has definite to provide the music abstract added shot. She's got a newborn strain out titled "Fresh Out of the Oven," but she's emotional it low her newborn edit pridefulness "Lola." That means JLo is dead, and LOLa is today here to hale us with her high-pitched shrills that no turn of auto-tune can hide. When JLo, I mean, JLola, hits those sky broad notes, angels cut out their ear drums.

The denomination totally entireness since this strain makes me want to near something firm (it's not-so-fresh) out of my laughingstock oven. Sorry, it was necessary. And why is JLola singing most her cookie?! Instead of singing most cookies, bitch needs to make whatever to provide to Skeletor.

VIA Idolator

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